Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap

Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap

Luftwaffe summer Flight Cap
“Flieger Kopfhaube” nice used Luftwaffe Pilot/Aircrew summer flight cap, with its original cable, throat microphone and earphones inside.
With 2 nice cloth labels inside!
Maker marked “De Te We” dated “1939”
(Deutsche Telephonewerke und Kabel Industrie A.G.)
Als labeld “Karl Heisler, Berlin C2”
Nice used Luftwaffe summer flight cap, missing only one closing buckle, which can be fixt, but overal in good condition. Would be perfect to complete a Luftwaffe collection!

Code: 67207

395.00 EUR
