Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap

Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap

Wehrmacht 6x30 Binoculars with strap
Used but very nice Wehrmacht 6x30 binoculars with leather strap.
Maker code marked “DDX” and “O” which is “Voigtländer & Sohn AG”
The binoculars are also marked “Dienstglas, 6x30 H/6400”. The optics are in good condition and complete with the so-called “Strichplatte” (Horizontal reticle inside)
Overal very nice binoculars in good condition.
Great on a mannequin!

Code: 67202
