Wehrmacht Camo Net (Unterstand Tarnnetz) M35 Wehrmacht Camo Net (Unterstand Tarnnetz) M35 Wehrmacht Camo Net (Unterstand Tarnnetz) M35 Wehrmacht Camo Net (Unterstand Tarnnetz) M35 Wehrmacht Camo Net (Unterstand Tarnnetz) M35 Wehrmacht Camo Net (Unterstand Tarnnetz) M35

Wehrmacht Camo Net (Unterstand Tarnnetz) M35

Wehrmacht Camo Net (Unterstand Tarnnetz) M35
Very rare and hard to find original camo net for frontlinie bunkers or vehicle's. Several of these could fit together to create a very large net
An single net is big enough to cover a Kubelwagen
They are made in brown, green and black collour, this is a brown one.
Very nicely made typical German style with a Spiderweb inside to make the net very strong. In very good condition.

Code: 71151
