Schutzmannschaft Cloth Tunic Insignia Schutzmannschaft Cloth Tunic Insignia Schutzmannschaft Cloth Tunic Insignia Schutzmannschaft Cloth Tunic Insignia Schutzmannschaft Cloth Tunic Insignia

Schutzmannschaft Cloth Tunic Insignia

Schutzmannschaft Cloth Tunic Insignia
BeVo-style woven insignia, approx. 3 1/2" x 4", of
The insignia is that of the "Schutzmannschaft" ("protection team"), collaborationist auxiliary police forces sanctioned by the Reich to operate in conquered Eastern Europe. The insignia consists of a green oval with an green swastika at center, surrounded by the motto "Treu Tapfer Gehorsam" ("True, Brave, Obedient"), with a wreath of laurel leaves around the outer rim.
The Schutzmannschaft were instrumental in combating partisan activity in occupied territories, and were responsible for many war crimes and atrocities.
Overal fantastic un-isseud cloth insignia, impossible to upgrade!

Code: 72174

198.00 EUR