Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap

Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap

Wehrmacht FF33 Fieldphone with Carrying Strap
Used but nice “1940” dated Wehrmacht FF33 fieldphone. “Feld Fernsprecher 33” with original leather carrying strap (re-stamped by the Danish Army) the FF33 is maker marked “Saba”
Overal the FF33 fieldphone is in used but very good condition. Great for a display!

Code: 75052

298.00 EUR