3 Collecters item Books about the Dutch WaffenSS 3 Collecters item Books about the Dutch WaffenSS 3 Collecters item Books about the Dutch WaffenSS

3 Collecters item Books about the Dutch WaffenSS

3 Collecters item Books about the Dutch WaffenSS
Very nice and rare set 3 of 4 books, about the Dutch WaffenSS volunteers during WW2 “Nederlandse Vrijwilligers in Europese Krijgsdienst 1940-1945”
Written by “Jan Vincx and Viktor Schotanius”
Part one “De Landstorm” part two “Vrijwilligers Legioen Nederland” part three “Vrijwillige Panzergrenadier Brigade Nederland” all 3 books are complete with there original cover and in very good condition. Hard to find all four!!!

Code: 75272

225.00 EUR