Soviet WW2 Pilotka Cap
Soviet WW2 Pilotka Cap
Very nice used Soviet WW2 so-called “Pilotka”
cap with fantastic metal cap badge of the Soviet red star! Good mannequin head size! With initials and flower stitching on the site
Fantastic for a Soviet headgear collection of to complete a tunic. Hard to find!!! read more
US WW2 Airborne summer Garrison Cap
US WW2 Airborne summer Garrison Cap
Very nice US WW2 summer “Airborne” so-called “Garrison” cap for Paratroopers and Gliderborne enlisted soldiers. “Glider Artillery”
Complete with original sewed nice “Airborne” patch.
Overal a very nice used cap in very good condition. read more
185.00 EUR
Wehrmacht Gebirgsjäger M43 Einheitsmutze
Wehrmacht Gebirgsjäger M43 Einheitsmutze
Fantastic Wehrmacht “Gebirgsjäger” M43 cap
Made of “Garbadine” cloth with original sewed late war trapezoid eagle insignia and original sewed metal “Edelweiss” the M43 cap has personal initials (markings) inside its lining “O. B.”
Overal a fantastic Wehrmacht M43 Einheitsmutze in used but very good condition!
Great on a man... read more
NSKK Side Cap
NSKK Side Cap
Fantastic NSKK side cap with its original districts Insignia “NSKK Schiffchenadler (eagle color) für Angehörige der Motorgruppe Pommern oder Thüringen” with its original “NSKK” buttons.
The NSKK side cap is marked in side with an initial “H” overal a fantastic side cap in used but outstanding condition! read more
DAF Side Cap “Mütze für Werkscharen der DAF”
DAF Side Cap “Mütze für Werkscharen der DAF”
Very nice used Third Reich DAF (Deutscher Arbeids Front) side cap. With its original “RZM” label
“Mütze für Werkscharen der DAF” with its original “BeVo” made insignia. In used but very good condition. Great for a cap collection! read more
Luftwaffe Flieger Kopfhaube (Flight Cap)
Luftwaffe Flieger Kopfhaube (Flight Cap)
Very nice Luftwaffe pilot/aircrew flight cap the so-called “Flieger Kopfhaube” in good size “55/56”
complete with its full lenght cable.
Overal a very nice Luftwaffe flight cap in very good condition. read more
395.00 EUR
Hitler-Jugend side Cap
Hitler-Jugend side Cap
Very nice used Hitler-Jugend side cap, with original sewed cloth insignia In good mannequin size.
In used but very good condition. read more
350.00 EUR
Canadian Tank Crew Beret (for the worksuit)
Canadian Tank Crew Beret (for the worksuit)
Late war thin black Canadian Tank crew beret
For used with the work suit and probably for the summer aswell. Maker marked “Rogers-Rayman Industries Small Toronto” and dated “1945”
Nice beret in mint condition. read more
150.00 EUR
Kriegsmarine Female Side Cap
Kriegsmarine Female Side Cap
Very nice used and rare to find Kriegsmarine female side cap (Kriegsmarine Helferin”
With yellow piping, and original “BeVo” made cloth insignia. Nicely “RBN” marked and named inside!
(T Schapek) overal a very nice and rare to find Kriegsmarine female side cap in very good condition. read more
550.00 EUR
US WW2 Airborne summer Garrison Cap
US WW2 Airborne summer Garrison Cap
Very nice US WW2 summer “Airborne” so-called “Garrison” cap for Paratroopers and Gliderborne enlisted soldiers. “Engineers”
Complete with original sewed nice “Airborne” patch.
Overal a very nice used cap in very good condition. read more
185.00 EUR