Third Reich Berg Bau Schirrmutze (Mining)
Third Reich Berg Bau Schirrmutze (Mining)
Very nice visor cap of the Third Reich mining workers. “Berg Bau” in good size “58” and with its original metal insignia. Nice sadel shape visor in very good condition. Great for a headgear collection! read more
Wehrmacht Officers side Cap
Wehrmacht Officers side Cap
Fantastic early Wehrmacht Officers side cap, with 1e model “Bevo” made cap eagle. All insignie original sewed to the cap.
Overal a fantastic Wehrmacht Officers side cape in good mannequin size. Great on a mannequin or in a headgear collection. read more
675.00 EUR
Reichs Arbeids Dienst Hat (Labour Service)
Reichs Arbeids Dienst Hat (Labour Service)
Used but nice and rare to find RAD hat
“Reichs Arbeids Dienst” (labour service)
“RAD” stamp marked in side!
With its original lightweight metal insignia.
Overal in used but good condition RAD hat
Perfect to complete a nice RAD tunic! read more
950.00 EUR
Wehrmacht Nachrichten Officers Visor Cap
Wehrmacht Nachrichten Officers Visor Cap
Very nice used Wehrmacht Officers “Nachrichten” (signals) “Schirrmutze” (visor cap)
Maker marked “Georg Stangl, Wien”
The visor is used but is in very good condition
One minor moth nip on top. Great to complete a nice Wehrmacht Officers signals tunic or as part of a headgear collection! read more
Wehrmacht Combat Engineers Officers Side Cap
Wehrmacht Combat Engineers Officers Side Cap
“Pioneer” (Combat Engineers) Wehrmacht Officers side cap with original embroidered Officers insignia and black soutach for “Pioniere”
In good mannequin size! Great to complete a nice used Wehrmacht Pioneer “Combat Engineers” mannequin. In used but in very good condition! read more
Kriegsmarine Side Cap
Kriegsmarine Side Cap
Very nice used Kriegsmarine side cap with original insignia and nice replica U-Boot cap badge (swordfish) the cap is nicely named inside
“Schwitters” the Kriegsmarine side cap has a good mannequin head size. Overal a very nice used and named, original Kriegsmarine side cap with a very nice replica cap badge in very good condition read more
Luftwaffe Side Cap
Luftwaffe Side Cap
Nice used Luftwaffe wool side cap for enlisted Luftwaffe soldier with its original sewed insignia.
Size marked “58”
Overal fantastic Luftwaffe side cap for a headgear collection or to complete a Luftwaffe uniform. read more
Deutsche Reichsbahn Visor Cap
Deutsche Reichsbahn Visor Cap
Nice used “Deutsche Reichbahn” (Railway) visor cap
With its original metal “Reichsbahn” insignia.
Maker marked “Deutsche Reichsbahn Klasse, Carl Ischer, Köln” in a good mannequin size.
Great to complete a Reichsbahn tunic, or as part of a nice visor cap collection. read more
365.00 EUR
NSDAP Political Leader Visor Cap
NSDAP Political Leader Visor Cap
Fantastic used NSDAP political leader visor cap “Schirrmutze” with blue color for “Orts” level
With its original metal cap insignia
The visor cap has a fantastic “RZM” oilcloth label inside “Tuchmütze”
Overal a very nice used NSDAP visor cap in very good condition. Great to complete a “Ortsgruppen Leiters” tunic or to complete a ni... read more
1550.00 EUR
British WW2 Wool Beret
British WW2 Wool Beret
Very nice British WW2 wool beret with nice cap badge. “Northamptonshire” Regiment
General service beret dated “1945”
In good mannequin size “57/58”
In used but in good condition. read more
150.00 EUR