German WW1 Trumpet Banner
German WW1 Trumpet Banner
Fantastic German WW1 Trumpet Banner
German Imperial tricolor Trumpet Banner
In outstanding condition.
Hard to find!!! read more
275.00 EUR
Wehrmacht Marching Boots
Wehrmacht Marching Boots
Nice used Wehrmacht Marching Boots
With original sole
Good mannequin size (about 42/43 European)
Leather in smooth condition.
Overal in used condition.
Great to complete a Wehrmacht mannequin! read more
275.00 EUR
Deutsche Haus und Sparkalender 1941
Deutsche Haus und Sparkalender 1941
Decorative calender book 1941
“Deutsche Haus ind Sparkalender 1941”
With nice pictures and information about savings
In very good condition. read more
55.00 EUR
Wehrmacht Underwear
Wehrmacht Underwear
Nice used Wehrmacht underwear
Unmarked in used but good and clean condition
Nice to complete a Wehrmacht mannequin! read more
Stuttgarter jllustrierte Magazine
Stuttgarter jllustrierte Magazine
Nice decorative magazine dated “June 12, 1940”
On the cover a “DRK” nurce on her bicycle
“Mit dem Rad vom Geschäft zim Bereitschaftsdienst des Deutsches Rotes Kreuzes”
Nice magazine in good condition.
Great for a “DRK” display! read more
45.00 EUR
Wehrmacht winter Guard Duty Boots
Wehrmacht winter Guard Duty Boots
Nice used Wehrmacht winter boots for guard duty
Would be worn on top of the regular leather marching boots. With nice cloth label.
In used but goed condition. read more
British WW2 1940 Patern Battle Dress Trousers
British WW2 1940 Patern Battle Dress Trousers
Nice used British WW2 1940 patern Battle Dress trousers with cloth label. Marked inside with the “War Department” stamped and nice cloth label.
Maker marked “Prices Taylors Ltd. Proprlecors of The Fifty Shilling Tailors” dated “1945” in very hood size “9” The trousers has a few minor moth damages but those are easy to repair! Overal <... read more
495.00 EUR
British WW2 Canteen
British WW2 Canteen
Nice early style British WW2 canteen with early
Webbing carrying frame, maker marked “M.E.Co.”
And dated “1944” in used but very good condition. Great to complete British equipment! read more
55.00 EUR
British WW2 Small Pack
British WW2 Small Pack
Nice near mint British WW2 Small Pack
Nicely marked “BSG” and dated “1942”
Fantastic to complete British combat gear!
In very good condition! read more
Wehrmacht/Luftwaffe Brown leather P38 Holster
Wehrmacht/Luftwaffe Brown leather P38 Holster
Nice used chocolate brown leather Wehrmacht/Luftwaffe leather “P38 Pistol” holster
Leather in smooth condition. One of the belt loops on on back side is wartime replaced for some obvious reason. Overal a nice used holster.
Hard to find in chocolate brown leather! read more